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Defend The Threats By Analysing With IDS and IPS.

Sept 25 2021

Defend The Threats By Analysing With IDS and IPS Blog Article

What Is IDS And IPS ?

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): analyze and monitor network traffic for signs that indicate attackers are using a known cyberthreat to infiltrate or steal data from your network. IDS systems compare the current network activity to a known threat database to detect several kinds of behaviors like security policy violations, malware, and port scanners.

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS): live in the same area of the network as a firewall, between the outside world and the internal network. IPS proactively deny network traffic based on a security profile if that packet represents a known security threat. Many IDS/IPS vendors have integrated newer IPS systems with firewalls to create a Unified Threat Management (UTM) technology that combines the functionality of those two similar systems into a single unit. Some systems provide both IDS and IPS functionality in one unit.

What Can You Do With IDS/IPS?

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) constantly watch your network, identifying possible incidents and logging information about them, stopping the incidents, and reporting them to security administrators. In addition, some networks use IDS/IPS for identifying problems with security policies and deterring individuals from violating security policies. IDS/IPS have become a necessary addition to the security infrastructure of most organizations, precisely because they can stop attackers while they are gathering information about your network. A typical business network has several access points to other networks, both public and private. The challenge is maintaining the security of these networks while keeping them open to their customers. Currently, attacks are so sophisticated that they can thwart the best security systems, especially those that still operate under the assumption that networks can be secured by encryption or firewalls. Unfortunately, those technologies alone are not sufficient to counter today’s attacks.

The challenge is maintaining the security of these networks while keeping them open to their customers.

How Does IDS Work?

The three IDS detection methodologies are typically used to detect incidents. Signature-Based Detection compares signatures against observed events to identify possible incidents. This is the simplest detection method because it compares only the current unit of activity (such as a packet or a log entry, to a list of signatures) using string comparison operations. Anomaly-Based Detection compares definitions of what is considered normal activity with observed events in order to identify significant deviations. This detection method can be very effective at spotting previously unknown threats. Stateful Protocol Analysis compares predetermined profiles of generally accepted definitions for benign protocol activity for each protocol state against observed events in order to identify deviations.

IPS Techniques To Defend Against Attacks

Intrusion prevention sensors look at header and data portions of the traffic looking for suspicious traffic that indicate malicious activity. IPS/IDS solution have the ability to detect threats using a database of signatures, using anomaly detection techniques looking for abnormal behaviour within protocols and can also use or integrate with anti virus for malware detection. Anomaly detection systems target traffic that isn't necessarily bad but used with bad intentions such as lots of traffic to overwhelm a system. TCP Syn Flood attack is an example. IPS have the ability to take actions on defined policies such as blocking a connection, providing alerts, logging the event, quarantining the host or a combination of these. Policies define the rules that specify what should be detected and type of response required. Policies will include both signature based rules and anomaly detection rules for learning typical network traffic and setting thresholds for these. DOS and reconnaissance rules are based on traffic statistics.
IPS solutions also provide logging and alerting on recent attacks so it should be easy to understand and trace an attack, and provide supporting tools that would aid in blocking attacks. Also clicking the attack should provide detailed information about the attack and what can be done to resolve such an attack. IPS and IDS systems have the ability to search for attacks using different characteristics of an attack such as by attack name, impacted applications, attack ID and so on.
IPS and IDS systems should be configured to only use signatures they require and to protect the assets required as using all signatures and pointing it to protect everything will use up much more resources such as CPU, memory and bandwidth. So if it were web server that required protection then only signatures for web servers should be utilised and protecting only the DMZ where web servers are located. This can also be further defined to be protocols such as HTTP, RDP, or systems like Unix, Windows or applications such as IIS and Adobe. Attacks should have a severity level that ties to a response such as block, quarantine, log, notify or a combination of these.

The Main Difference Between IDS and IPS

IDS and IPS technological systems are part of network infrastructures that identify and prevent any intrusions that might be attempted by cybercriminals. Both security systems create a comparison between systems traffic and packets, as opposed to the database, created by cybercriminals. The technological systems will further flag out any offending packets detected.
The main difference between the two security systems is that one monitors while the other controls. IDS system security doesn’t make any changes to the packets but scan them and check them thoroughly through a database for any threats. The IPS security system does prevent any packages from being delivered into the system network.

IDS and IPS Systems Boost Your Cybersecurity Strategy.

Automation. In network security, automation is a huge boost. IDS and IPS systems primarily work on autopilot, scanning, logging and preventing malicious intrusions.
Hard-coded security policy enforcement. IDS and IPS systems are configurable and allow the systems to enforce security policies at the network level. Even if only one approved VPN is used by your company, you can block any other forms of traffic. Security compliance. Compliance is important for network administrators and security professionals. If a security incident happens, you will need data to show adherence to security protocol. Technologies like IDS and IPS can provide data needed for any potential security investigations.

SwiftSafe Blog Author


James Maverick


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