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Cloud Penetration Testing

An authorized simulated cyber-attack against a Cloud infra to find threats and vulnerabilities in the system to assess the security posture and recommend measures to fix it. Cloud penetration testing is a method to secure your data that is associated with the cloud infrastructure by using modern technology.

Know your cloud risks!

While the cloud is largely perceived as a boon to the organizations, the technology does pose certain risks, including data breaches and privacy issues. The cloud makes stored information more accessible from anywhere in the world, which increases cyber threats compared to non-cloud technology.

SwiftSafe Poor Access Privilages
Poor access privileges

Inactive accounts, multiple administrator accounts, and user bypassing can lead to the loss of sensitive data.

SwiftSafe Access Key Exposure
Access key exposure

Hackers can gain complete access to critical data stored in a cloud account by violating vulnerable security keys.

SwiftSafe Data Exposure
Data exposure

Cloud data is vulnerable to duplication, alteration, and other vulnerabilities when its policy is weak, and data controls are too fragile.

SwiftSafe Entry Point Risk
Entry point risk

Companies sharing information on the Internet may be at risk due to hackers entering the system through public entry points.

SwiftSafe API Vulnerabilities
API Vulnerabilities

When you don't protect your API's with proper authentication methods, you leave the door open for hackers to access your data.

SwiftSafe Compliance Violation
Compliance violation

By violating compliance standards, companies make it easier for hackers to steal customer data and violate a customer's privacy.

Key Benefits

Identify security incidents

Procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents occurring in critical cloud infrastructure systems.

Avoid data breaches

Evaluates the real risk of cloud infrastructures, protecting them from cyber attacks such as network and application level attacks.

Improve security posture

Improves the security posture of an organization by significantly reducing the number of vulnerable endpoints.

Achieve full compliance

Enhances security posture of cloud platform by testing its compliance against standards, best practices and regulations.

SwiftSafe Identify Risk Endpoint SwiftSafe Avoid Breaches SwiftSafe Improve Security Posture SwiftSafe Achieve Full Complaince

Our Approach


Security professionals perform cloud security audits to analyze organization's cloud data and identify security vulnerabilities.

Hybrid Assessment

A hybrid cloud penetration testing strategy is employed with both automated and manual assessments to eliminate false positives.


Security experts complete tests in phases, reviewing every aspect of the cloud infrastructure to find vulnerabilities.


Cloud security experts study hackers' habits, based on a list compiled by the Open Web Application Security Project.


A report containing all the vulnerabilities and remedies to fix is generated and delivered to authorities in an easy-to-implement format.

Why Swiftsafe?

SwiftSafe Costumer Satisfaction
Highly reliable and secure

Our company gives orgnizations the protection they need from hackers, malware, and other security threats with deep consultation.

SwiftSafe Skilled Professional
Skilled professionals

Our team of experienced professionals can help organizations keep their data safe and accessible through the cloud.

SwiftSafe Maintain Privacy and Transparency
Real-time threat resolution

Strong protection and fast monitoring to secure organizations’ cloud data using real-time risk mitigation

SwiftSafe 24/7 Support Assistance
24/7 support assistance

Our professional security team is available 24/7, ready to assist organizations with any needs they might have.

SwiftSafe High Retention Rate
High retention rate

An Internationally renowned and trusted security services provider, with 95 percent of clients' retention.

SwiftSafe Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction

We have thousands of satisfied customers from companies around the world who trust our services.

Interested in Cloud Penetration Testing?

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to you

With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

Very urgent? Call us at +1 657-221-1565

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With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

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We are excited to talk
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With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

Very urgent? Call us at +1 657-221-1565

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