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A Guide To Secure With HIPAA.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was developed in 1996 and became part of the Social Security Act. The primary purpose of the HIPAA rules is to protect health

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A Small Virus Makes Huge Loss.

In this insecure world, ransomware is one of the malicious software to fraud us. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts user’s

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Application Programming Interface.

An API is defined as a specification of possible interactions with a software component. What does that mean, exactly? Well, imagine that a car was a software component.

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Better To Understand Improve Our Security.

Vulnerability assessment & penetration testing is a precise specialized way to deal with locate the security escape clauses in a system or programming framework.

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Building An IoT Device Is Required With An IoT Security.

The Internet of things colloquially known as IoT, is the one of the finest technologies about extending the power of the internet wings beyond computers

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Defend The Threats By Analysing With IDS and IPS.

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) constantly watch your network, identifying possible incidents and logging information about them

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Easier To Exploit The Insecure VoIP - Communication.

The Development of communication technology voip is one of the technologies used to communicate. To understand how attacks happen, we need to understand how

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Educate Your Employees About Manipulation.

Social engineering is a act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. While similar to a confidence trick

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Identifying The Vulnerabilities At SDLC Will Make A Secure Application./h4>

Software vulnerabilities is a growing problem and these vulnerabilities takes place very often source code auditing tools would become very handy

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How Al And ML Affect Cyber-Security

AI and ML can be extremely effective in detecting cybersecurity threats and anomalies promptly to thwart attacks. ... AI and machine learning-based

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How Cybersecurity Participates In A Crucial Role For Any Organization ?

Technology updates really very fast in past few years. When the data stored in paper document as well as cloud technology, big data. We have to secure it any time

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How Does One-Click Attack Manipulate Anything ?

Cross-site request forgery colloquially known as one-click attack. It is a type of malicious attack or manipulation by dropping a virus in a victim's network/p>

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How Important To Conduct Web App Pentest ?

The first course in the learning path covers workstation setup, including installation and configuration of Burp Suite with the Firefox web browser.

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How Injection Attacks Can Lead To Data Breaches?

Injections are amongst the oldest and most dangerous attacks aimed at web applications and can lead to data theft, data loss, loss of data integrity

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How Is Open Source Intelligence Used In Cybersecurity ?

OSINT refers to all the information which is open for public consumption, this includes both online and offline resources. You may wonder, does

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How To Secure From XSS And It's Impact On Business?

Cross-site scripting(XSS) is a client-side code injection attack. The attackers aim to execute malicious scripts into a web browser of the victim

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How SOC Team Will Helps You Analysing Data ?

Although IT professionals will know all about SOCs and SIEM tools, business executives might need bringing up to speed. SOC stands for “Security Operations Center.”

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How To Be Prepared For Digital Attacks?

Connectivity in industry, for better and for worse, is here to stay. Manufacturers and critical infrastructure companies across the world are joining

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How To Be Prepared With An Advanced Incident Response Plan From Cyber Attacks ?

Incident Response is a term used to describe the process by which an organization handles a data breach or cyberattack, including the way the organization

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How To Maintain Vulnerability Management To Secure An Organization ?

Vulnerability management is the processes for identifying vulnerabilities in IT assets, evaluating risk and taking appropriate action. Vulnerability

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How To Safeguide Your PCI DSS

PCI DSS compliance involves responding to a series of requirements imposed by the credit card industry. To succeed, organisation must implement

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How To Secure Your API Keys From Attackers?

An API key or application programming interface key is a code that gets passed in by computer applications. The program or application then calls

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Hybrid Approach To Eliminate False Positives.

Penetration testing colloquially known as pen test. The difference between automated and manual penetration is that the collection of data is assessing

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Importance Of Securing Information For Any Organization.

A database is a standardized collection of methodical information, or data, typically stored in a computer system of all about an organization.

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Measures To Conduct Wireless Penetration.

During a wireless penetration test, expert white hat hackers step into the role of would-be attackers and attempt to breach your system. Unlike other

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Necessary Of Pentesting In Mobile Application.

Both business and public organizations today are using mobile apps in new and compelling ways, from banking applications to healthcare platforms.

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Secure Your IP Inrasture With Network Pentest.

Penetration testing, or ethical hacking, involves swfitsafe actively testing websites, devices and infrastructure for security vulnerabilities

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The Importance Of Growing Information Security Management System.

An ISMS is a systematic approach consisting of processes, technology and people that helps you protect and manage your organisation’s information

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What Are Business Logic Vulnerabilities And How They Destroy A Company?

Nowadays scenario, every business relies on digital operations. This is how business logic vulnerabilities arise. How do you translate an abstract

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Why Cybersecurity Awareness Is Important For Every Employee

Cybersecurity awareness is the combination of both knowing and doing something to protect a business’s information assets. When an enterprise’s

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