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Sept 25 2021

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It is essential that every organization is prepared for the worst. So how will you handle the situation? Preparation is key and it involves identifying the start of an incident, how to recover, how to get everything back to normal, and creating established security policies. Other aspects that should be considered when prepping are training and pre-deployed incident handling assets.

When training for an incident you should contemplate different types of training your team needs such as OS support, specialized investigative techniques, usage, and corporate environmental procedure requirements.

1) When looking at your pre-deployed incident handling assets, you want to make sure you have certain tools in place in case of a system breach. This includes monitoring your own sensors, probes, and monitors on critical systems, tracking databases in core systems and completing active audit logs for all server network aspects and components.

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/* receiving http packet */
int size = recv(fd, pktBuf, sizeof(pktBuf), 0);
if (size) {
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received new HTTP request!");
syslog(LOG_INFO, pktBuf);}

It is essential that every organization is prepared for the worst. So how will you handle the situation? Preparation is key and it involves identifying the start of an incident, how to recover, how to get everything back to normal, and creating established security policies. Other aspects that should be considered when prepping are training and pre-deployed incident handling assets. When training for an incident you should contemplate different types of training your team needs such as OS support, specialized investigative techniques, usage, and corporate environmental procedure requirements. When looking at your pre-deployed incident handling assets, you want to make sure you have certain tools in place.

SwiftSafe Blog

It is essential that every organization is prepared for the worst. So how will you handle the situation? Preparation is key and it involves identifying the start of an incident, how to recover, how to get everything back to normal, and creating established security policies. Other aspects that should be considered when prepping are training and pre-deployed incident handling assets. When training for an incident you should contemplate different types of training your team needs such as OS support, specialized investigative techniques, usage, and corporate.

SwiftSafe Blog Author


James Maverick


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