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Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Mobile application penetration testing helps organizations analyze security perimeters within a mobile application with an authorized simulated cyber-attack and gain insights into the source code’s vulnerabilities, bottlenecks, and attack vectors beforehand.

Know your mobile security threats!

Lack of awareness regarding mobile security threats can put organizations at high risk. In addition, owing to the increase in information theft and fraud, organizations need to be vigilant about mobile application vulnerabilities.

SwiftSafe insecure data storage cyber attack
Insecure data storage

Cache-oriented design for databases can be very susceptible to hacking. As a result, lack of data security poses one of the greatest challenges for businesses and organizations today.

SwiftSafe Unreliable authentication
Authentication vulnerability

An authentication vulnerability in the mobile app allows an attacker to access the application anonymously and execute functionality on the backend server using stolen credentials.

SwiftSafe Broken cryptography
Cryptography errors

Errors in cryptography or poor key management can allow hackers to access encrypted data, resulting in the loss of privacy and integrity of the mobile application.

SwiftSafe client side injection
Client-side injection

Client-side injection occurs when a malicious code is implanted through a mobile application, causing the exploitation of confidential information and violation of privacy.

SwiftSafe improper session handling
Poor session handling

Poor session management can make it easy for hackers to hijack the session and gain unauthorized access. The risk increases if a device is stolen or accessed by an unauthorized person.

SwiftSafe APIvulnerabilities
API vulnerabilities

When mobile applications are vulnerable to attack through the API, they reveal their logic, enabling manipulation and disclosure, damaging the organization’s reputation.

Key Benefits

Prevent future attacks

Penetration testing is used to assess the risks and vulnerabilities of mobile applications. It helps organizations anticipate cyber-attacks and ensure data security.

Maximize mobile app protection

It ensures mobile applications meet all the specified technical and user acceptance requirements, thus preventing any potential security risks.

Prevent the reputational loss

Prevents reputational losses by ensuring that the application is secured as per OWASP Top-10 security standards and defends the app from cyber attacks.

Adhere to security guidelines

Mobile application penetration testing helps organizations adhere to industry security standards and protects the integrity of their applications.

SwiftSafe Prevent future attacks SwiftSafe Maximize mobile app protection SwiftSafe Prevent reputational loss SwiftSafe Adhere to security guideline

Our Approach


Security professionals plan for the security of mobile applications and set penetration testing goals to defend against cyberattacks.

Hybrid Assessment

A hybrid penetration testing strategy is created in which real-time hackers integrate both automated and manual assessments to minimize false-positive results.


Security experts carry out vulnerability assessment and penetration tests in multiple phases, examining every facet of a mobile application.


Mobile application security experts look for patterns of entry used by hackers, according to a list compiled by the Open Web Application Security Project.


A report containing all the vulnerabilities and remedies to fix is generated and delivered to authorities in an easy-to-implement format.

Why Swiftsafe?

SwiftSafe customer Satisfaction
Highly reliable and secure

Reliable mobile application security services with deep consultation.

SwiftSafe skilled Professional
Skilled professionals

Experienced professionals who can help organizations secure their applications.

SwiftSafe maintain Privacy And Transparency
Real-time threat resolution

Strong protection to organizations' privacy with real-time risk mitigation.

SwiftSafe 24/7 support assistance
24/7 support assistance

Assistance by security experts round the clock for effective risk management.

SwiftSafe high retention rate
High retention rate

Internationally renowned security services provider with a 95% client retention.

SwiftSafe customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction

Thousands of satisfied customers from corporations across the globe.

Interested in Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

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to you

With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

Very urgent? Call us at +1 657-221-1565

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With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

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