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Web Application Penetration Testing

A web application penetration test helps organizations evaluate the security of an application. It is done by actively applying malicious attacks on the application to strengthen the security controls or configurations and mitigate the threats.

Services Included

Penetration testing provides a complete snapshot of the organization’s information security and vulnerabilities in efforts to protect organizations from prevalent cyber-attacks.

SwiftSafe Web application security audit
Web application security audit

Identifies the vulnerabilities that may cause a cyber attack. It combines dynamic and static analysis to find the most serious vulnerabilities using OWASP Top-10.

SwiftSafe firewall audit
Firewall audit

Monitors and analyzes firewall activities to eliminate vulnerabilities that might allow hackers to bypass the firewall to damage the organization's web applications.

SwiftSafe app leyer vulnerabilities
Application layer vulnerability test

Detects any vulnerabilities at the application layer, which is the closest to the end-user and protects their privacy while maintaining the organization’s integrity.

SwiftSafe insight security configuration
Security configuration inspection

Identifies and prevents setbacks in web security configuration and settings that can leave an application vulnerable to cyber attacks putting security at risk..

SwiftSafe api security audit
API security audit

Identifies exposed application programming interfaces (APIs) that may cause sensitive data to leak, potentially damaging the organization’s brand among its customers.

SwiftSafe business logic vulnerabilities
Business logic vulnerability test

Detects user requests containing malicious intentions, which can lead to misuse of application’s logic, and consolidates a report to strengthen application logic.

Key Benefits

Reveal vulnerabilities

Audits the application and network infrastructure for misconfigurations and security vulnerabilities.

Show actual risk

Uncovers the real risk to organizations by understanding the hacker’s perspective in the real world to exploit their web applications.

Ensure business continuity

Ensures no unwanted downtime or limited accessibility in web applications that can hamper business operations and user experience.

Adhere to standards & regulations

Helps organizations adhere to industry compliance guidelines and prevent any future financial consequences.

SwiftSafe reveal vulnerabilities SwiftSafe show actual risk SwiftSafe en business continuity SwiftSafe adhere to standard and regulation

Our Approach


Security professionals define the security audit goals and analyze organization’s web applications to identify vulnerabilities that are open for exploitation.

Hybrid Assessment

A hybrid Web App penetration testing strategy is created in which real-time hackers integrate automated and manual assessments to minimize false-positive results.


‘Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test’ is performed in phases where each part of the web app’s source code is reviewed to identify vulnerabilities in it.


WAPT security experts look for patterns of entry used by hackers, according to a list compiled by the Open Web Application Security Project.


A report containing all the vulnerabilities and remedies to fix is generated and delivered to authorities in an easy-to-implement format.

Why Swiftsafe?

SwiftSafe customer Satisfaction
Highly reliable and secure

Reliable and secure WAPT security services with deep consultation.

SwiftSafe skilled Professional
Skilled professionals

Experienced professionals who can help organizations secure their applications.

SwiftSafe maintain Privacy And Transparency
Real-time threat resolution

Strong protection to organizations' applications with real-time risk mitigation.

SwiftSafe 24/7 support assistance
24/7 support assistance

Assistance by security experts round the clock for effective risk management.

SwiftSafe high retention rate
High retention rate

An Internationally renowned security services provider with a 95% client retention.

SwiftSafe customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction

Thousands of satisfied customers from corporations across the globe.

Interested in Web Application Penetration Testing?

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to you

With us, you can strengthen the security system of your organization and add financial value to the business.

Very urgent? Call us at +1 657-221-1565

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